Cos’è il pay per sale?
Quando inizi il tuo affiliate marketing è importante decidere come pagherai i tuoi agenti. Esistono molti programmi di ricompensa, come ad esempio il pay per sale, il pay per lead o il pay per click. Sta a te capire quale sia il più vantaggioso per il tuo business.
Pay per sale (PPS) significa che ricompensi i tuoi agenti per le vendite che hanno fatto. Vengono pagati non appena un lead viene trasformato in una vendita.
Frequently Asked Questions
Come funziona il pay per sale?
Con il pay-per-sale, i marketer affiliati guadagnano una commissione su ogni vendita di prodotto da loro segnalata.
Quanto costa la lead generation pay per sale?
Il costo della lead generation pay per sale può variare a seconda della società di lead generation e del tipo di servizi di lead generation offerti. In genere, i servizi di lead generation pay per sale variano da $500 a $5000 al mese.
Postback, Callback, Piggyback, S2S, 3rd party tracking
Explore Postback, Callback, Piggyback, and S2S tracking methods with Post Affiliate Pro for seamless 3rd party integrations.
Discover the power of the Lifetime Commissions plugin! Ensure lifetime referral tracking with unique customer identifiers, allowing affiliates to earn commissions on future sales without repeated clicks. Easily manage customer-affiliate relations and configure settings to suit your needs. Boost your affiliate program's efficiency with customizable options and ensure commissions for affiliates, even across different devices or channels. Explore seamless integration with eCommerce systems and enhance your marketing strategy today!
Discover comprehensive fraud protection with Post Affiliate Pro. Our tool identifies fraudulent transactions across clicks, sales, sign-ups, and login attempts. Customize settings in the merchant panel to safeguard your business effectively. Explore features such as IP and URL restrictions, duplicate recognition, and country blacklisting. Ensure secure and reliable affiliate operations with our advanced fraud protection solutions.
How to allow negative commissions
Enable negative commissions in Post Affiliate Pro by activating "Allow to compute negative commission" in the Merchant panel settings.
Quick debugging with Sale requests log
Quickly debug sales tracking in Post Affiliate Pro using the Sale requests log—identify issues, restart requests, and ensure commissions.
Overview of Post Affiliate Network
Discover the power of Post Affiliate Network for managing affiliate programs across multiple brands from a single account.