Cos’è il rilevamento degli spider?
Internet è un luogo pericoloso. Mentre lavori, potresti essere attaccato dagli hacker, che usano dei virus e dei bug pericolosi. Gli spider del computer sono dei bot speciali progettati per spammare il tuo indirizzo e-mail o la tua pagina web e possono causare enormi problemi al tuo marketing online.
To prevent attacks on your sites, use spider detection. It monitors the internet and searches for unwanted bots. There are many programs you can choose from to protect yourself.
Quick debugging with Sale requests log
Quickly debug sales tracking in Post Affiliate Pro using the Sale requests log—identify issues, restart requests, and ensure commissions.
Discover comprehensive fraud protection with Post Affiliate Pro. Our tool identifies fraudulent transactions across clicks, sales, sign-ups, and login attempts. Customize settings in the merchant panel to safeguard your business effectively. Explore features such as IP and URL restrictions, duplicate recognition, and country blacklisting. Ensure secure and reliable affiliate operations with our advanced fraud protection solutions.