AbleCommerce integration
Un software ecommerce facile da utilizzare, intuitivo per gli sviluppatori e ricco di funzionalità.
Soluzione per carrello degli acquisti basata su Asp.NET
1. Crea un widget
Crea un file di testo e rinominalo in PostAffiliateProWidget.ascx Usa qualsiasi editor di testo per aprirlo e inseriscici questo codice:
<%@ Control Language="C#" ClassName="PostAffiliateProWidget" %>
<script runat="server">
private Order _Order;
private int _OrderId;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_OrderId = PageHelper.GetOrderId();
_Order = OrderDataSource.Load(_OrderId);
string image = "<script id=\"pap_x2s6df8d\" src=\"https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/salejs.php\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n </";
image += "script><script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
LSDecimal i;
i = 1;
foreach (OrderItem item in _Order.Items) {
if (item.OrderItemType == OrderItemType.Product) {
image += "var sale" + i + " = PostAffTracker.createSale();\n sale" + i + ".setTotalCost(" + item.ExtendedPrice + ");\n sale" + i + ".setOrderID(" + _OrderId + "(" + i + ")");\n sale" + i + ".setProductID(" + item.ProductId + ");\n";
i = i + 1;
image += "\nPostAffTracker.register();\n </";
image += "script>";
PostAffiliateProScriptHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(image));
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PostAffiliateProScriptHolder" runat="server">
Ora salva il file e caricalo nei file del tuo server per AbleCommerce – ConLib\Custom.
2. Imposta l’interfaccia per utilizzare il widget
Accedi al tuo pannello di amministrazione di AbleCommerce e vai a Amministrazione> Sito web> Contenuto e layout. Individua RecieptPage e modificala. Poi cambia il codice [[ConLib:Custom/ReceiptPage HandleFailedPayments=”true”]] con questo:
Salva le tue modifiche e finalmente avrai tutto integrato.
Post Affiliate Pro Alternative
Discover why Post Affiliate Pro is the top choice in affiliate tracking software with robust features and stellar customer support.
How to integrate Post Affiliate Pro with Google Analytics?
Learn how to seamlessly integrate Post Affiliate Pro with Google Analytics to effectively track affiliate-referred visits. Follow our step-by-step guide to generate optimized URLs using the Google Analytics URL builder, decode them, and use them as Destination URLs in your campaigns. Visit now to enhance your tracking capabilities.
9. Integrate the affiliate software with your website
Integrate your affiliate software seamlessly with your website for effective tracking of referrals and commissions. Set it up right!
How to integrate Post Affiliate Pro (Network) with 3rd party affiliate systems?
Learn how to integrate Post Affiliate Pro with 3rd-party affiliate systems. Follow our step-by-step guide to streamline your affiliate tracking!
Aweber - Post Affiliate Pro Email Parser
Integrate Post Affiliate Pro with Aweber by creating a custom Email parser and enabling the integration plugin for seamless functionality.